Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Divorcing? What a Professional Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist Realtor® can do for you.

With over 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, chances are that you or someone you know is probably going through a divorce right now. The ending of a marriage is a very difficult time even in the best of circumstances. Working with a realtor who specializes in divorce can ease the process and help both parties work together, making the transition as smooth as possible. 

It is important to understand what real estate divorce specialists are certified to do. To help you better understand I’ve created a list of what I, as a Professional Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist Realtor®, can and won’t do.

Things I, as a Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist, Can Do:

  1. Help you to understand aspects of divorce in regards to the sale of a marital home.
  2. Work for both parties, not just one, to get the best price for your home.
  3. Work with both parties to help you save and make money now and down the road.
  4. Facilitate communication by offering you alternatives to the usual mistrust and the emotional responses that can occur during the selling of the marital home.
  5. Make sure you leave feeling better about the selling process of your home than you did coming in.
  6. Always recommend that you consult with your attorneys to ascertain your legal rights.
  7. Always recommend that you consult with your CPA to ascertain any financial repercussions related to the sale of the marital home.

Things I, as a Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist, Will NOT Do:

  1. Misrepresent myself as an attorney, CPA, marital counselor, or any other type of professional other than a professional Realtor®.
  2. State what an equitable settlement is. Only your attorney or judge can do that.
  3. Help you settle your case.  Your attorneys work out your legal settlement on your behalves
  4. Talk to either attorney without first clearing it with both attorneys.
  5. Give any real estate related advice without seeing all the underlying documentation first.
  6. Play favorites, one client over another.
  7. Keep Secrets. If you have something you don’t want your spouse to know…  DON’T TELL ME!
  8. Quit. Once our agreement has been signed, I stick with you both until the end.

I hope that this provides you with a clear understanding of what I, as a Professional Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist Realtor® can provide you. In no way do I practice law, assume the role of your attorney, judge, CPA, or your financial advisor.  I will frequently ask that you consult your attorney, financial advisor, or CPA. I am there to help both parties involved through the emotionally difficult process of selling your marital home and getting you the best possible price for your home.

Kori Hendrix
REALTOR®, Professional Certified Divorce Specialist